Posted for Sky2high@aol.com:
In a message dated 3/23/2003 6:50:54 PM Central Standard Time, JPKleber@aol.com writes:
Well, I don't have any scribe lines on my closeouts. How does one determine where (how far back from the front of the opening) to place the vertical trim line?
See Tony Bingelis's book THE SPORTPLANE BUILDER. This book is one
of a series of three by Tony available through the EAA. It contains NACA duct formula.
Scott Krueger
LNC2 N92EX IO320 Aurora, IL (KARR)
[You can also find the NACA duct tables and such on the LML website as well... just click on the "Scoops & Ducts" link in the "Attachment" area. I've also attached several photos of the ducts I built on Ted Noel's IVP using the info from the website. #4 shows the cutout and start of the inlet lip, #11 is where the walls were being installed, and #14 shows them completed. FWIW <M> ]