Mailing List Message #18168
From: <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Sun and Fun - Lancair Film Being Produced
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 23:11:34 -0500
To: <lml>

My company is creating a film entitled "Flying the Lancair IVP - The Quest for Speed" which will be released later this year on DVD and VHS.  The film will follow the progress of building, tweaking and learning to fly a IVP and the attempt to set a world speed record.

We will have a film crew at Sun and Fun the day of the Lancair sponsored dinner and would like to invite those of you building or flying a Lancair to be interviewed for the film.

If you intend to be at Sun and Fun and would like to participate, please email me off list and provide basic details on your aircraft, your flying experience and what drew you into building or flying experimental aircraft in general and the Lancair in particular.


Dave Riggs

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