Mailing List Message #18166
From: Wendell & Jean Durr <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Fw: Legacy flap fit and jack pads
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 23:09:40 -0500
To: <lml>
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 10:59 AM
Subject: Legacy flap fit and jack pads

Lanny Rundell of Southern Air addressed the bad fit of my right flap. Noting the left flap fit correctly he compared bolt holes--they lined up precisely. He jigged the right flap into position, determined where the hinge line should be, and shimmed the hinge at the spar attach point. No new holes. Now fixed.
On another point he and his merry band turned the outer wing panels upside down and used the under surface as a mold to make a couple of about 5"x5" jack pads. Attached with a bolt through the bottom spar cap at the outer end of the center main spar (No load area). Bolt doesn't carry any load, but merely locates the pad. They added a rivet sticking out of the pad and into a small hole in the wing bottom to keep the pad from rotating on the bolt. Only fits one way. I'll add some felt to protect the paint. They formed the center of the pad to accomodate the jack.
They do good work at their skunkworks in Winnsboro, in N.E. La.,318-435-4401. My  interest in Southern Air is a monetary one--money out here, in there. I lose it, they find and keep it.
However, as I explain to my wife, I'm not really spending the money on the Legacy, I'm merely converting its form from paper in a bank to carbon fiber in a hangar. If necessary we can convert it back for a "small" handling fee.                          Wendell Durr
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