Mike Hutchins:
From all the great advice that I have received on the LML concerning my gear door flexing problem, I have decided on a double belt and suspenders approach.
I am starting with the basic Lancair Service Bulletin approach with the foam and 1/4 inch HLPE and to that I am burying a 1/2 inch diam. aluminum tube formed in a long "L" . This is all buried in micro and 5 bid carbon fiber. Finally, I intend to add (as you suggest) braces at about 4 or 5 different spots to support the slider assembly; with at least one brace running across the large part of the door.
I bed my foam as you mention except that after painting both surfaces with epoxy, I add a thin layer of micro to both, join them, add weight as necessary, and then add additional micro to fair in the edges. After it cures, I scuff the surfaces lightly and add my carbon fiber. Yes., its another step and yes it does add a little more weight, However it avoids placing the carbon fiber at 90 degree angles and, I believe, promotes a better bond that is less likely to develop problems later on.
Assuming that this approach works (no flexing and gear retracts without problems), I will have some photos available for anyone who would like to see them.
Best Regards, Bill Hogarty