<<In this cold climate I have been having trouble getting the oil in the
arc during flight. My last flight was up to 21,000 and that helped. But
even with the oil cooler door fully closed I still could not manage 200
degrees. I agree about heating it up. I have a gap between the oil cooler
door and the crank case that is about 1 square inch that we have not been
able to figure out how to close effectively. The throttle cable runs
through this area and makes it difficult to close off. Do you know any
solution to this? I do fly the plane regularly, at least every week and
usually atleast an hour at a time.>>
Sounding like a Vernatherm problem - could be stuck open. I've seen them
hang up either way. You should be able to get the oil temp up even without
a door over the oil cooler as there should be no oil flow through it with
cold oil. But even if it gets up to 150 or so and you're flying every week
I would think you're at least holding your own as far as corrosion is
concerned. More frequent oil changes would help some. I would definitely
check the operation of the Vernatherm and if that's okay not worry about it
too much. Summer is coming.
Gary Casey