<<Any thoughts on whether all air cooled and/or water cooled diesels will
require big, ugly air scoops added?>>
As a rule of thumb diesels reject more heat to both the coolant and the oil
than do spark-ignition engines. Also, the differential temperature between
the ambient air and the "coolant" is less - the air-cooled cylinders are at
maybe 350 degrees and the coolant is at about 200. In theory then it takes
about a 20% lower mass air flow rate to cool an air-cooled spark ignition
engine than a liquid-cooled diesel. Because the air-cooled cylinders are so
poorly optimized for air flow and the radiator is so well optimized the
pressure drop across a radiator is likely less than across an air-cooled
cylinder. All that means that given enough space (where would that exist on
a Lancair?) the resulting cooling drag of a liquid-cooled engine COULD be
less than for an air-cooled engine. I think you would be lucky to break
even. Bottom line is yes, you may need a bigger scoop, but an ugly one?
That's in the eye of the beholder. I think the ES cooling inlets are
oversize to begin with, but that's just a guess so far.
Gary Casey