Mailing List Message #16971
From: Angier M. Ames <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Re: LNC2 Hyd. Power Pack
Date: Wed, 01 Jan 2003 18:29:02 -0500
To: <lml>
I spoke with Mark at Lancair a month or so ago concerning the issue of
spool valves being installed backwards at Oildyne. I have not yet tested
my gear but plan to do so before spring. I suggested that the expense of
reversing the valve, if required, ought to be borne by either Lancair or
Oildyne but not by the builder.

Mark, I don't know if this is an isolated problem or not, but it would
be helpful if you would post to LML the official Lancair position on
this issue.

With regard to the spool valve, if it is installed in reverse, is this
immediately obvious in terms of gear operation?

Happy New Year to you all,

Angier Ames

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