Mailing List Message #1675
From: Gerard J. Cerchio <>
Subject: Tank testing and requests,.,
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 12:12:12 -0800
To: <>
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Hello all,

My 2cents on tank testing.  I used freon in the tank and then a freon
detector to find any leaks.  I don't know if I was 100% effective because
I have not fueled any of the tanks yet.  I did find some pretty small
leaks and plugged them though.

I am still trying to find people in the SF Bay Area to go flying with in
LC20's.  Even if it just for a ride so I can get the feel of being in
the aircraft.

I am also trying to locate some scales to weigh the beasty with in the
area.  Anyone have a set they can loan?  San Carlos EAA does not have
a set.

I am getting real close to trucking to the airport, I would apprieciate
trailering thoughts, rental equipment specifics, people in the area
with a trailer etc....


Gerard Cerchio
415 831 1298
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