Mailing List Message #16738
From: Skip Slater <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Re: [LML] 12 volt blower
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 00:30:55 -0500
To: <lml>
   There have been a few comments about the efficiency of the NACA duct on the tail negating the need for a cabin fan on the ES or IV.  Inflight this is true.  Those of us who advocate them will all attest to their effectiveness on the ground.  I don't use my fan at all in flight, but unless it's a pretty cool day, it's on every moment I'm on the ground.  In the summer, I consider it essential, as the cabin can become a sweltering greenhouse in the sun.  I can still recall the image of Orin after doing my first flight on August 13th.  He had the fan on and 4 overhead vents all pointed at his head and still emerged drenched in sweat. 
   The bottom line is that the NACA duct does not become effective until you're at flying speed.  Between pre-start, after start, taxi, runup, and after landing taxi up until you shut down, there is plenty of time every flight that you'll be glad you installed a fan.
   My .02 worth.
   Skip Slater
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