Mailing List Message #16720
From: Marvin Kaye <>
Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2002 12:09:56 -0500
To: <lml>
Posted for "Giffen A. Marr" <GAMarr@Charter.Net>:

The c.g of the aileron, when finished [with balance weights and all
painting ] must be forward of the hinge line. If you have ever had a two
wheel trailer balanced slightly aft of the wheels, it is unstable and
will try to pass the pulling vehicle when you try to stop or take your
foot off the gas going down hill. The aileron will start to vibrate and
could become unstable and rip off. In aeronautical language it is called
"flutter" and can be disastrous.
Giff Marr
Fort Worth, LIVP

"Overbalanced is OK but underbalanced is not"? Please explain. I don't understand.

[ huh?  my manual wants them to ballance on the hinge line,
or cg on the hinge line.  now I'm confused... ]
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