Mailing List Message #16709
From: Walter Dodson <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: N990Y First Flight Today
Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2002 22:44:58 -0500
To: <lml>
  I am happy to announce our Lancair IV-P flew for the first time today in
the capable hands of Orin Ridel.  He made another four flights as the day
progressed.  We are still chasing the T.O. prop RPM but all else ik great.
Oh, the wing gap tape was found to "buzz" so we removed it temporarily.  It
was blistered on the bottom of the right wing.  I need to clean the surface
and re tape in the morning before the SIXTH flight.
Walter Dodson  "Proud Papa"   Zero % to go  (thought it would never happen)

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