Mailing List Message #16699
From: <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2002 10:39:39 -0500
To: <lml>

1.  You have to balance your ailerons OVER 100% to compensate for primer and paint later on.  Being OVER-BALANCED is okay, being UNDERBALANCED is not so good.

2.  Make sure that the entire aileron LE (where the weights are attached) is STIFF as can be.  You must not be able to flex this area at all otherwise, the aileron will vibrate in flight.  Most have added half-moon ribs to accomplish this (same method used for the flaps, however you must make sure water cannot accumulate in the mid sections, drain holes will have to  be drilled).  On my setup, I only installed one half-moon rib, right in the middle plus another 2-bid on the entire length of the LE...

Rick Argente
N360ZR LNC2 420+ Hours
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