Mailing List Message #1664
From: R & A Colebrook <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 17:55:04 -0700
To: Lancair List <>
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To increase stick forces in pitch, the aft end of the elevator push rod can
be attached to the elevator horn at a hole closer to the hinge.

I accomplished the intent of this by a revision at the front end of the
elevator push rod rather than at the aft end. I welded new ears on the
elevator crossover tube between the sticks where the elevator push rod
attaches. I made the ears longer, which accomplished the intent of
increasing the stick forces and I also changed the angle slightly more aft.
This positioned the angle of the sticks slightly more forward at a given
elevator position.  My 235 as designed had the full forward stick position
limited by the pushrod contacting the crossover tube between the ears.  This
change allowed the sticks to be farther forward at full down and not so far
into my crotch at full up.

However the big reason for making the change at the forward end of the
elevator push rod rather than at the aft end was to preserve the relation
between the bob-weight travel and the elevator travel.  Moving the aft end
to a hole closer to elevator hinge reduces the travel of the bob-weight and
the force which the bob-weight can exert on the elevator.  I paid four
pounds for the darned bob-weight and I want its full effectiveness.

Ross W. Colebrook  (N7828)
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