Mailing List Message #1660
From: Rumburg, William <>
Subject: RE: Blown Innertubes-360
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 09:13:53 -0500
To: '' <>
          <<  Lancair Builders' Mail List  >>
>Within the past 2 weeks we have had 4 flat tires on our 360.
no pinching during assembly of the wheels. All tubes were purchased from
>within the last four months.
>>Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening?
>>Stu -
>   I purchased and installed three new tubes on my 320 last summer. No leaks
>thus far, so I can't be of any real help for similar experience. I did write
>in the LNN last summer of my experience regarding a pinched tube and the use
>of silicon lubricant rather than cardboard to eliminate pinching tubes during
>wheel assembly. I can only suggest the obvious of blowing up any new tubes
>and letting them sit around for a few days to observe for leaking. It may be
>that they leak only under pressure, perhaps because the valve stem isn't
>seated. Try tightening the valve stems, but not too tight. Other than that,
>try fully assembling a wheel and inflating to full pressure and letting that
>sit around for awhile...better to happen "on the shelf" than on the plane,
>especially when taxiing or landing!
>                                Bill Rumburg
>                                N403WR  (Sonic Boom)  
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