Mailing List Message #1653
From: Matt Reeves <>
Subject: Landing lights
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 20:43:44 -0700
To: <>
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I have seen a few Lancairs with landing lights in the leading edges of
the wings.  I would like to install one on the outer portion of each
wing on my 360 but I am concerned about heat from the bulb not being
able to escape and possibly melting the lens or worse yet, blowing up my
gas tank since I will have the extended range tanks, and only a thin
portion of the main spar to separate them.   Has anyone come up with a
good design on landing lights on the wings?  If so, I'd really be
interested in hearing your comments and seeing your designs.  Thanks in
advance.   Also, what type of plexiglass is the best and how did you
form it? ... and fair it into the wing?

Matt Reeves
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