Mailing List Message #1651
From: Tom Giddings <>
Subject: [Fwd: Vision Microsys VM1000 IV-P]
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 19:31:44 -0500
To: Lancair Mail List <>
          <<  Lancair Builders' Mail List  >>

Richard L. Perry wrote:

>           <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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>           <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<--->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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> Can anyone give me an idea of the performance of the vision micro sys.
> Thanks D. Perry

  I have the VM1000 In my 360 .It does work well in all light situations.The
fuel probes have been flawless in operation and very accurate.I have had some
problems with the fuel pressure transducer in my plane,but I do not think it
is related directly to the design of the system.  Lance and Dave have gone
beyond the call of duty to help me with this problem.I would highly recommend
you try it.You'll be happy with the VM1000 and the company.

Tom Giddings 360TM
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