Mailing List Message #16484
From: Brent Regan <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: RE: Empty Weighy of IVP
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 11:06:42 -0500
To: <lml>
IV-P weights are all over the map. I have heard horror stories of 2600 pound EMPTY weights. Ouch! Typical seems to be in the in the 2,260 to 2,450 pound range.

When building my IV-P I was fanatical about weight. Besides following the factories recommendations regarding lightweight building practices, I also kept a scale next to the plane and everything was weighed and examined for excess weight before installation. I replaced most of the AN hardware with Titanium, elastic stopnuts with jet nuts, steel washers with aluminum and hoses with hard-line. I made Titanium spar bolts, Titanium door hinges, machined away excess material on flap and gear valve drums and made carbon fiber seat pans and glare shield. On and on and on..........

For all my work I was able to shave ~75 pounds for an all up empty weight of 2188 pounds (I just re-weighed it at the last annual). I know of several fast build kits out there that are all carbon (no E-glass) but I don't know if any are completed. I would think 2,150 should be obtainable.


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