Mailing List Message #13199
From: Bill & Sue <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: TCAD antennae
Date: Sun, 05 May 2002 23:16:26 -0400
To: <lml>

> > Are those Ryan TCAD antennea on top and bottom?

Just in case anyone else is installing the Ryan TCAD, here's what we did on
our LNC2. We mounted the antennae left and right instead of top bottom. We
used the circuit board type of antennae and mounted them internally on the
fuselage sides about 14 inches behind the firewall.

This arrangement works great. At first I was worried that I'd miss targets
directly ahead due to the firewall, but the fuselage widens up enough behind
the firewall to allow the antennae to "see" ahead. We have done extensive
testing with another airplane and we get very accurate traffic information
in ALL relative positions between the two aircraft.

By mounting the antennae internally I'm sure that I must pick up at least
3/4 knot :-)


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