Mailing List Message #13182
From: fili <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: First Flight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Sat, 04 May 2002 09:44:03 -0400
To: <lml>

Well it finally happened, our airplane, a Lancair IVP (N256MA) which we
started building in February 2000 finally took to the air yesterday May 2nd
2002 at 12:50PM in Bend, OR and flew for about 20 minutes in the hands of
Dave Morss.

No words at this time to describe the emotions we felt when it first lifted
off, so I'm sending a picture instead.

Marv, thanks for adding a blue-sky to our entry, I will also have to send
you updated information to put in there.

Thanks, fili
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