Mailing List Message #13177
From: Larry Henney <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: RE: [LML] Re: 320,360,360 MKII
Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 23:51:52 -0400
To: <lml>

They all start with the same airframe and are modified as follows:

320 = Lycoming 320  (slow version)
360 = Lycoming 360 (fast version)
360 MK II = 360 with the MK II larger all carbon horizontal tail.
(fast version with slightly more stable pitch authority)

Other major builder specific mods on these 3 aircraft could include the
forward hinged canopy, outback landing gear, Extra longitudinal
fibergalss bids occasionally seen on MK II to satisfy a flutter concern,
header tank (or not), outboard wet wings (making up for lost header
tank), Wet compass vs Garmin 430 etc. :)

Hope this helps.


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