Mailing List Message #13144
From: John Barrett <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: re: Headsets
Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 23:38:51 -0400
To: <lml>
I bought  four of the  Lightspeed headsets about three years ago.  Mine are
the 25X model.  They are not in the price range of the inquirer, but may be
indicative of the quality of the  lower priced Lightspeed models.  I really
like these headsets!  They are much less expensive than Bose and just as
comfortable/ just as clear.

They use AA batteries vs. 9 volts and the cells last much longer than the
old converted Dave Clark (or Dave Clamp) headset I had.

My only serious complaint is the autoshutoff system seems to sense dead air
between the ear cups to tell it to go to sleep.  This is a guess on my part,
but comes from the fact that there is an uncomfortable loud, low pitched
buzz that occurs whenever the ear pieces lose their seal over my ears.  I've
learned to adjust them well and the tendency to Buzz has diminished to
almost never.  I still don't like it when I turn my head to a certain
position and I get an audio jolt.

Bottom line - I'd buy them over again knowing what I know.


John Barrett
"The World Hinges On Us"

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