Mailing List Message #13107
From: cbaker9by way of <>
Subject: LNC2 Rudder Trim
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 22:00:29 -0400
To: <>
>>>I am currently mounting the rudder on my 360, and want to fit a
rudder trim tab.  Can anyone who has done this successfully<<<<<

I (actually Airframes Inc did 90% of the work) installed electric rudder
trim on my already flying 360.  The tab is 3" x 6.5" and 19" down from
the top of the rudder.  The servo is a Mac 4A (short throw that drive
the indicator) operated with a sideways mounted toggle switch on the top
of my Infinity grip.

The trim works great, is very useful, and is quite powerful (may be able
to scale the tab down slightly).  If your rudder pedals have a lot of
friction, they can hold position fairly well without trim; however my
Teflon powder lubricated cables are fairly friction free and don't stay
put well.

Do you have to have electric rudder trim? No, but I (and several other
360s) sure enjoy being able to have the aircraft perfectly trimmed in
all axis in all flight configurations.
Clark Baker

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