Mailing List Message #1075
From: Mike S. Reinath <>
Subject: Engine Starter
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 09:30:24 -0800
To: <>
          <<  Lancair Builders' Mail List  >>
Does anyone have an opinion on whether to get a Skytech or B+C starter for
an IO-360? The guys at Lycon told me recently that the Skytech starter is
made with plastic gears and is not rebuildable (you have to send it back to
the factory and have them rebuild it if there are problems). Is the B+C
starter worth the extra money?

They also told me that the parallel valve 360 is the only engine that fits
into the 320/360 cowl (the angle valve 360 is heavier and wider). Is this
correct? Are all of the IO-360 installations in the 320/360s of the
parallel-valve type?

Thanks for the help.

Mike Reinath
3100 hrs on std-build 360
San Jose, CA
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