Mailing List Message #1059
From: Angier M. Amesby way of Marvin Kaye <> <>
Subject: Re: Marker Beacon Antenna
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 08:22:42 -0500
To: <>
          <<  Lancair Builders' Mail List  >>
I've gone through the antenna chapter in The AeroElectric Connection several
times and have probably learned enough to be dangerous or stupid or both! I
think I want to make two 20" elements from copper tape and connect with coax
feedline at the center and glass in place along the side of the tailcone,
several inches above and outboard of the left rudder cable.

Would appreciate it if some of you antenna literate folks could comment on the
kind of performance one might expect from this antenna.


Angier Ames

(After reading here about good results with builder-made antennae based on
Jim Weir's (RST Engrg) directions I decided to try his kits and am waiting
for delivery.  He has a special on his website which includes his
instruction manual, 100 lf of copper foil tape, and 20 baluns (ferrite
toroids) for 29 bux... should be enough supplies to build 5-6 antennae.
See his website at  <Marv>)
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