Mailing List Message #1056
From: Dunlap, Lloyd A <Lloyd.A.Dunlap@JCI.Com>
Subject: Brake dragging
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1998 06:47:58 -0500
To: <>
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I found that the bushings that the brake calipers float on are made of
regular steel. Just another minor oversight I'm sure. <G> Just replace
these with some stainless steel ones  which won't rust ( 300 series I think
) and add a light coating of some good grease and  they'll float just
nicely.  Lets fix that first then deal with the brake lines. I'm not sure
if the L-IV  brakes are like this too but its worth a look see.  I  used
braided Stainless  lines on the gear legs too.

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