Mailing List Message #1051
From: Dan Schaefer <>
Subject: engine wiring
Date: Thu, 05 Nov 1998 21:48:41
To: <>
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To Ed de Chazal: A neat way to secure your FWF wiring is to use two
Adel clamps end-to-end at each place you would like the bundles held.
Slip one over an engine mount tube and fasten another one to the
first with a bolt and lock nut. This second clamp is used to hold
the wire bundle. You select a size for the loop on the first clamp to
grab the steel tube and the other one as required to fit the wire
bundle. You should be using MS 22759 Tefzel wire for your whole
airplane, but particularly ahead of the firewall - it's HOT up there
and Tefzel can live happily at very high temps.

Brent's method of using firesleeve as a wiring conduit sounds great
and if I ever have to do a major re-wiring up front, I'll use that
technique. No matter how your wires are cabled, however, the double
adel clamp method of hanging the them is still a good way to go.


Dan Schaefer

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