will be the length of the runners & manifold?
The manifold is 4
inches long, and the runners will be as long as they need to be, or as long
as will fit in the space available. I guess that's another way to say I
don't know. I haven't attempted any calculations, but from what Ed has
mentioned in the past, I'm thinking I'll be looking at something in the range of
12-15 inches. The idea is that I can connect the two parts
with rubber hose of various lengths to try to get some idea
of where the tuning point needs to be. Unfortunately, this can't all
be done on the ground, because I'll want the tuned rpm to be above static.
The other problem is that my ideal tuned range will change when I get the -C
I didn't hear anyone
laughing at the idea, so I'm ordering all the stuff. Wish me luck.
Rusty (resonant chamber
questions to follow)