Of course, you've also had
conversations with guys who've had problems with the Powersport
drives, including the original Powersport guys who trashed one in
the Sun 100. There are other authorities on the subject of
reduction drives who have other perspectives on why the PS guys
had the problems they had with planetaries.
Point is, none of these things are going to be perfect; even the
RWS drives have relatively low total hours compared to things like
certified engines flying on tens of thousands of a/c designs over
many decades.
You made a blanket statement that no planetary except the Mistral
is worth using, yet you have no experience with any of them. Why
are you so passionate about an issue with which you admittedly
have no 1st hand experience? If the RWS drives are so terrible,
don't you think there would be at least a few people who are
active on this list and have hundreds of hours flying them who
would speak up in agreement with you?
(running out of patience with Interwebs Mythology....)
On 10/14/2021 7:07 PM, William Jepson
wrjjrs@gmail.com wrote: