Hello Le Roux:
My airplane (a rag and tube cubby) is fairly unique amongst the rotary crowd of RVs and sleek glass birds. My climb speed is 80-90 mph and my cruise speed is 100-105 mph; most guys are climbing out faster than I cruise and are cruising 1.5 - 1.8 times faster ... airspeed is your friend but something I cannot obtain.
This exhaust photo shows my latest exhaust collector and gives a good view of the radiator, its plenum and some hose/tube connections.
Jeff: Thanks for taking us aboard the flight over the Ottawa River!
I am a relative new member on the group, and are not on terms, with the FWF installations of the members.
Is it possible to post some info of your 13B installation and cowling?
Thanks Le Roux Breytenbach
South Africa