Mailing List Message #5749
From: <>
Subject: FD Rad Cooling Capacity was Re: [FlyRotary] Re: Engine.
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2004 09:14:06 +1100
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Hi Guys,

On 4 Feb 2004, at 1:39, Finn Lassen wrote:

> Russell Duffy wrote:

.  The radiator in the car would be too small for aircraft use.
> > Some people are using a large aftermarket radiator, though
most are
> > using air conditioner evaporator cores.  
> >  

Hmmmmmm, ... I was discussing this the other day with "Wally
the muddle headed wombat"  and we were just pondering why on
earth an FD radiator wouldn't cool a 13B turbo in an aircraft?

It goes without saying that providing of course, you fed it sufficient
air in a properly designed dukt - that man at that "other place"
knows how to do it - he's been preaching it for years - nice big thin

Wally reasoned that as they seem to work OK on 300 + neddie
ekranoplans (aka porsche beating FD RX7's) down Conrod straight
at Bathurst (130 - 140 + MPH,  albeit in ground effect),  they
should work in an "ordinary" aircraft as well.  

They also seem to work OK at idle and heavy traffic, even on our
hottest Sydney daze.  Only downside is that the plastic header
tanks are known to split,  which can be interesting!  So can you
please enlighten us??


(aka The Rotary Duck - ordinary ducks just go "quack,  quack" -
this one's a bit "daffy").

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