Bobby J. Hughes wrote:
I think the issue would be the physical location of the second CAS. It would need some type of programmable position offset to work correctly. Bobby
I have an EDIS-4 module 180* out of phase from the primary module, running in limp-home mode.
Actually, it is more like 175* out of phase. Ford's original intent was that without an input, the module (just a small, simple computer) will keep firing the coils at 10*BTDC to get you home. I shifted the CAS another 15* and had it control the trailing plugs, so that the spark hits at 25* BTDC, just after the leading plugs. If anything happens anywhere to take out the leading plugs, I will get degraded (but operational) performance with just the trailing plugs.
All that is to say that the positional offset can be in the mounting.