I couldn't resist sending
a picture of the evap core cluster. And, yes, there are all inside the
stock RV-3 cowl. The biggest physical hurdle remaining is the
intake. I should have David's intake on Tuesday, and hopefully, that
will all fall into place.
Rusty (gotta make an oil
scoop this week)
Looks great, Rusty. Very close to my
arrangement other than the oil cooler being different. I found the
easiest way to shape the oil scoop was to put the cowl on the aircraft and
then to strap foam board (Homedepot, etc) to the bottom. Took a rough
rasp and quickly worked into the general shape I wanted. Removed the
foam and laid the fiberglass over it (will need to protect the foam) and when
set, trimed the edges and straped back on the cowl. Marked where the
parts met and then sanded the Gell aways on that line and a couple of inches
each side. Then fiberglassed it to the cowl.
Ed Anderson