I'm sorry to see you let it go
after having committed so much of your life to get it done. I sure hope you
don’t end up regretting your decision to sell after its gone.
Yeah; but the point
is I did get it done; and enjoyed it. There are other things to get done;
I just don’t know what they are yet. I guess that’s why I’ve had multiple
careers. And life’s too short to spend time regretting. It either
comes out right, or you’ve learned something; or both.
(I guess that’s why
it’s good to have friends to console you – it helps you see the positive
sideJ. And, yeah; there’ll
be moments when it’s going to be really tough).
Hope I can get a chance to
see it in person some time before its gone.
We need to make that
happen. Lets you and I and Dave meet up out at
Borrego sometime soon.