I guess I am
missing something. I am not familiar with the primary and secondary
injectors. I thought the fuel rail fed all of the injectors. My
idea was to split the rail into two rails fed from the same source just that
the returns go to different tanks. I don't see how the computer
settings would affect this. What am I missing? Thanks for any
From your earlier
description, I see the part that you're missing. The way the fuel is
plumbed is: Tank, pump, fuel rails, regulator, return to tank. In
the RX-7, the fuel runs into one end of the of (primary I think) rail, then
out the other end of the rail to one end of the other rail. The other end
of the second rail has a regulator, which allows excess pressure to bleed off,
and return to the tank. Certainly, you can T the fuel pump into both
rails, then T the other end of the rails together, and put them to a
regulator. No matter how you slice it though, there's only one return per
In case this doesn't
make sense, I'll repeat a great analogy that someone else (Tracy maybe) gave
before. Imagine a garden hose, with the faucet turned on. Now put
your thumb partially over the end of the hose. You can change the
pressure within the hose, by varying your thumb pressure on the end of the
hose. That's how these regulators work.
Did that
Rusty (insert Japanese
thumb for Mazda regulators)