Mailing List Message #46510
From: Ed Anderson <>
Subject: RE: [FlyRotary] Re: 295cc vs 495 cc was [FlyRotary] responses to responses, not developing full power
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 09:23:31 -0400
To: 'Rotary motors in aircraft' <>

Good point, Al.


Since I fly with same size injectors in primary and secondary, I’ve never had the need to use mode 6 and it doesn’t come to mind when discussing different size injectors.  Thanks, I’m going to have to embed that a bit more firmly in the brain.




From: Rotary motors in aircraft [] On Behalf Of Al Gietzen
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 10:17 AM
To: Rotary motors in aircraft
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: 295cc vs 495 cc was [FlyRotary] responses to responses, not developing full power


When you switch the primary injectors off and secondary

injectors on - the EC2 is still providing the same pulse duration (assuming

engine manifold pressure, etc are the same) for the almost twice as large

secondary injectors as it did for the smaller primary injectors. Ergo, you

are feeding the engine almost twice the fuel (for the same engine

conditions) as you did when on the primary injectors.  The engine is choking

on too much fuel. 


Unless, of course, you have made the mode 6 adjustment to compensate for the difference in the flow rates – or will mode 6 not handle such a big differential.


Al G

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