Mailing List Message #46503
From: Christopher Barber <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: New Injectors for Mistral intake
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 13:28:20 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Thanks Tracy for the verification the 1600 cc were too much.  It was a design choice I left to a friend and questioned, but did not argue about.  Since my buddy (with nothing but good intent) has faded from the build, I have gone back and re-evaluated everything that was done.  It is so much easier to review and improve AFTER the fact and leads to MUCH better understanding.

Even though I  am having some success, my engine did seem to always be running waaay too rich....gee, ya think.  Hopefully, my current re-wire will also allow me to more easily troubleshoot as well.  As I have mentioned, I am more properly separating the wires to the coils and injectors.  I ran a small tube down the pilot side of my Velocity to completely isolate the power wires to these components from everything else.

While the Velocity has a conduit down both sides of the fuselage (my other wires are down the co-pilot conduit...with a few support wires, such as power to the strobes down the center console), my pilot conduit contains two hot oil lines to a front oil cooler as well as the fat (2awg) wires from my duel batteries/alternators.  Other than it already being crowded down that conduit, I did not like the idea of these light wires running down with the hot oil etc in an area I could not easily inspect.  so, the small tube down the INSIDE of the fuselage, that will be under the carpet/upholstery, while not easily inspected mid run, is completely segregated from anything interfering or damaging them. The remaining coil and injector wires will have their own path out the firewall aft.  While I may be solving a problem that does not actually exist, it seems much easier to address and minimize as a problem now, than later.  Also, as stated, it is MUCH easier and faster after I have done it a few times :-)

Yes, these injectors still seem to have a lot of flow, but I am guessing it is better to tone these down than the serious mismatch that I using.  Mistral picked them for a reason and even though I am using your ECU and not theirs, I think they should be good for the set up...or so I hope.

Enjoy your trip....YOU WILL BE MISSED.... even if not for unselfish reasons <g>

All the best,


Tracy Crook wrote:
I don't understand how your setup worked at all (after staging point) with those 1600cc injectors.  Almost guarantees plug fouling problems during setup and it is probably beyond the point where the EC2 could compensate for in Mode 6.   The recommended injectors are 440cc with 550 as maximum.   Even a low boost turbo setup will work with the 440s.

I'm leaving early Saturday. Tracy

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 4:50 AM, Christopher Barber < <>> wrote:

    The new injectors as recommended by the Mistral Arrow test pilot
    arrived today.  I installed them and they seem to physically fit,
    even though they look significantly different.  I am rerouting
    some wires and hopefully making things better and more reliable
    (even though I should only be changing one thing at a time, I have
    done more).

    Here is a picture of the four different injectors now have.  The
    lower left is the new Mototron INJ-GAS-006 (L107), upper left is
    the old primary I was using (550cc?), upper right is a standard
    Mazda injector I got online before I knew it would not work with
    the Mistral intake.  The lower right is the old secondary at 1600 cc.
    As soon as I get things wired back up, I will try cranking 'er up
    again and see how many calls I need to make to Tracy....DOH! Why
    am I always making major engine modifications when Tracy leaves
    for CO?????

    Just thought y'all may be curious to see.

    All the best,


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