Mailing List Message #46497
From: Christopher Barber <>
Subject: New Injectors for Mistral intake
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 03:50:29 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
The new injectors as recommended by the Mistral Arrow test pilot arrived today.  I installed them and they seem to physically fit, even though they look significantly different.  I am rerouting some wires and hopefully making things better and more reliable (even though I should only be changing one thing at a time, I have done more).

Here is a picture of the four different injectors now have.  The lower left is the new Mototron INJ-GAS-006 (L107), upper left is the old primary I was using (550cc?), upper right is a standard Mazda injector I got online before I knew it would not work with the Mistral intake.  The lower right is the old secondary at 1600 cc. As soon as I get things wired back up, I will try cranking 'er up again and see how many calls I need to make to Tracy....DOH! Why am I always making major engine modifications when Tracy leaves for CO?????

Just thought y'all may be curious to see.

All the best,

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