Mailing List Message #46495
From: Mark Steitle <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: MotionX-GPS as a flight instrument?
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 21:07:07 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
I bought the 1000, running Linux.  It came with a 40gig solid state hard drive.  I removed Linux and installed Windows to run the s/w that I wanted. (Don't recommend trying this unless you're really good with computers. I got my son to help me... he's a systems analyst.)  
It is a neat little computer, but the small keyboard is a challenge for someone with big fingers.  I hope to use it to run Symbolic Flight, but am having trouble getting it to install.  I have since bought an iPhone which is more versatile and fits in my shirt pocket.

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Chris Barber <> wrote:

Which EEPC did you get?  I have already have a 7 inch remote touch screen incorporated into my panel and have been waiting for the right pc.  I have planned this for a while, before the slew of netbooks and was concered about the expense of a solid state drive......back when I was firs looking at the idea, it was pretty darn expensive.  But the netbook options solves about every issue I would have.  I use Anywhere Map (lifetime subscription) and really like it.  I also hope to also keep most all needed info on it in PDF (or whatever).  Will not need that much CPU power and are so small and light it now seems like a no brainer.  I do not plan to even keep the acutal netbook out, just the touchscreen and a remote interface (trackball...touchpad, not sure yet), however, if I need the keyboard, I hope to be easly able to access it.

OH and on a rotary note, I recieved my new injectors today.  These are the 660cc
's that were recomended for the Mistral intake by the Mistral test Arrow test pilot.  I will try to install them this PM.  I hope they fit as they look much different than the old injectors.  They are also high impedance so I can remove the 4 resistors used with my old injectors.  One less connection to fail.

I have to finish my re-wire before I can try to crank 'er up again, but you can bet I will share the experience <g>.

All the best,


Cpl. Christopher Barber, JD
Badge 330
Bellaire Police Department
5110 Jessamine
Bellaire, Texas 77401

713-662-8289 fax


From: Rotary motors in aircraft on behalf of Mark Steitle
Sent: Wed 6/17/2009 3:57 PM
To: Rotary motors in aircraft
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: MotionX-GPS as a flight instrument?


That's a pretty neat product.  I'm planning a trip to Denver in two weeks, so I may take them up on their $89 Oshkosh special and give it a try.  I recently bought an eepc with a 40gigabyte solid state drive just for use in the airplane.  This might be something for the wife to do during the 4 1/2 hour flight.  She normally either reads or sleeps.


On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 3:24 PM, David Moyer <> wrote:

       Have you looked at Symbolic Flight: Portable Synthetic Vision by Nav Aware?

       David Moyer
       Ed Anderson wrote:

               Right, Mark, my concession to modern navigational technology - but, you did notice it is a Garmin 195, purchased in 1999.  Nothing against the latest in technology - as always fascinated by it - but, guess I just don't have much need for one after de-plane ing as I usually camp out {:>).  Am considering a color Map GPS though {:>)


               Ed Anderson

               Rv-6A N494BW Rotary Powered

               Matthews, NC








               From: Rotary motors in aircraft [] On Behalf Of Mark Steitle
               Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 12:45 PM
               To: Rotary motors in aircraft
               Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: MotionX-GPS as a flight instrument?


               Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't I see a GPS in your plane?  That's all this is, but it does it much cheaper and you can take it with you afterwards and use it to find restaurants, hotels, car rentals, etc.


               On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 11:22 AM, Ed Anderson <> wrote:

               Well, Mark, when you get to a certain age - only so much room left in the old noggin.  Besides, while I am fascinated by what digital technology can provide - being a "wanna be Hermit" (as my wife claims), "connectivity technology" just doesn't hold much appeal - only started carrying cell phone because wife say I would .. or else.  Not sure what the "else" would have been, but didn't want to find out {:>)


               Ed Anderson

               Rv-6A N494BW Rotary Powered

               Matthews, NC








               From: Rotary motors in aircraft [] On Behalf Of Mark Steitle
               Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 12:04 PM
               To: Rotary motors in aircraft
               Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: MotionX-GPS as a flight instrument?


               I'm appauled to hear this from you... Mr. Electronics Whiz.  Did you visit their site?  There's a video of an ultralite using this app.  The iPhone is strapped to one of the tubes.  Not sure how he manages to push the buttons on the touch-screen though.  But it is encouraging in that it tells me that it works in flight, albeit slooooooow flight.


               On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Ed Anderson <> wrote:

               iPhone?  I don't even have an iPod and have not figured out all the features on my 3 year old cell phone.  Beginning to feel like I am falling (have fallen) behind the technology curve on consumer electronics - no,  don't have and LCD, LED or Plasma TV either {:>).

               A number of guys on the RV list mention using some Amateur Radio network and a gadget to track their flights in real time - apparently anyone can follow the flight path over the internet - look out Flight Following, technology may render you obsolete.


               Ed Anderson

               Rv-6A N494BW Rotary Powered

               Matthews, NC








               From: Rotary motors in aircraft [] On Behalf Of Bob Tilley
               Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 11:31 AM
               To: Rotary motors in aircraft
               Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: MotionX-GPS as a flight instrument?


               Doesn't everyone have an iPhone already?   ;-) Thanks for the heads up!

               Bob Tilley

               Albany, Ga

               On Jun 17, 2009, at 10:57 AM, Mark Steitle wrote:

               I know this is off topic and a bit geeky, but I was wondering if anyone with an iPhone has tried the MotionX-GPS application to track their flights?  It was designed for tracking workouts, like for mountain biking and jogging.  But I couldn't help but wonder how it would work as a poor man's GPS.  The basic "LITE" app is free, full-featured app is only $2.99 (almost free).  One user comments that it works better than his $500 GPS.  Is this possible?

               I just downloaded it and plan to try it out this weekend.  Maybe it won't even work at altitude, but since it gets its signals from GPS satellites, maybe it will surprise me.

               See  Check out the picture of the iphone mounted on the handlebars of the mountain bike, with the MotionX app running.  Now picture your instrument panel with the same mount.  Pretty cool, and very cost effective, assuming you already have an iPhone.

               Mark S.

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