Mailing List Message #46489
From: Mark Steitle <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: MotionX-GPS as a flight instrument?
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 15:21:41 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Not sure that it will quit at 6000 msl.  My son-in-law posted a track he hiked that went to 7000 msl and MotionX-GPS tracked it with no problem.  I was under the impression that this app uses the iPhone's internal GPS to work its magic.  When I first downloaded it, I tried it out from my office (3rd floor of a concrete building) and it couldn't find any satellites but the phone works just fine.  So, I went outside so it could "see" the sky, and MotionX started working as advertized.  YMMV

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 1:57 PM, Stephen Thomas <> wrote:
I've been reading some of the reviews of this software and one big drawback seems to be there.  It only works when you have a solid cell phone signal.  So at 6000 feet, it may not work at all.

Best Regards,

Steve Thomas


On Jun 17, 2009, at 8:31 AM, Bob Tilley wrote:


Doesn't everyone have an iPhone already?   ;-) Thanks for the heads up!

Bob Tilley
Albany, Ga

On Jun 17, 2009, at 10:57 AM, Mark Steitle wrote:

I know this is off topic and a bit geeky, but I was wondering if anyone with an iPhone has tried the MotionX-GPS application to track their flights?  It was designed for tracking workouts, like for mountain biking and jogging.  But I couldn't help but wonder how it would work as a poor man's GPS.  The basic "LITE" app is free, full-featured app is only $2.99 (almost free).  One user comments that it works better than his $500 GPS.  Is this possible?
I just downloaded it and plan to try it out this weekend.  Maybe it won't even work at altitude, but since it gets its signals from GPS satellites, maybe it will surprise me. 
See  Check out the picture of the iphone mounted on the handlebars of the mountain bike, with the MotionX app running.  Now picture your instrument panel with the same mount.  Pretty cool, and very cost effective, assuming you already have an iPhone. 
Mark S.

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