I dont know where you got the
idea that rotaries are more fuel efficient. Lycosaurs/Continentals typically
have BSFCs in the low .40s. The commonly accepted number for a rotary is about
.50. Some here seem to do better, others worse.
I’m not disagreeing with the
points in your message; but I am wondering if you know anybody actually flying
a Lyc/Cont and achieving BSFC in the low 40’s. I see numbers like
.43 or .45 bandied about, but I guess no one leans enough when flying to get
that for fear of burning out a valve – or worse. I’ve yet to hear
from anyone flying a Velocity like mine with a Lyc who can surpass the speed/fuel burn that I
get with the 20B. I don’t know why – it surprised me; but there it
I think in the real world operation the BSFCs
are comparable. I may have a bit lower drag because of smaller cowl; or
other factors.