George Lendich wrote:
What is it, what does it consist of?
George ( down under)
Aluminized Titanium Nitride
Titanium Nitride is the gold-tone stuff you see on a lot of the
"better" drill bits, of late.
Dale R.
Very good but the substrate aluminum has to have high density, which is insufficient in most castings. Hence the steel liner.
George (down under)
That may be; but there is no particular reason, as yet, to believe
that they are doing it that way. They could make the end-walls
twice as thick, and they would still be less than two-thirds the
weight of the steel end housings.
The technology for applying a hard, anti-scuff coating such as
AlTiN/TiAlN is actually less problematic than trying to make
a steel liner stay attached.
Dale R.