Sorry for the late response, maybe you already got your answer. Anyway, I recently had an education on this matter. My project is a n/a 3-rotor in a Lancair ES. I'm using Tracy's EC-2 with six LS1 coils. They are wired per Tracy's instructions. There is a fuse for the 3 leading coils and one for the 3 trailing coils. I started out with a 5 amp fuse in each (couldn't find anything in the instructions addressing this, so I guessed). BTW, I am not flying, just running the engine on the ground. Anyway, I promptly blew the 5 amp fuses, so I steadily increased the fuse amperage rating until they no longer blew. I ended up with 15 amp fuses on each of the 3 leading coils and 3 trailing coils. I am now thinking about separating them so as to have six separate circuits with one 7.5 amp fuse per coil. At the very least I will increase the existing fuses to 20 amps for each of the 3 leading/trailing coils. Hope this helps.
Mark S.
At 09:56 AM 10/17/2003 -0400, you wrote:
I'm using LS-1 coils and have my pair of leading coils running off one fuse
and the trailing coils running off another. What value of fuses are working
for the rest of you? I blew 5A's on both pairs today.
Perry Casson
3210 Goetz Bay
Regina, Sk., Canada S4V 1W4
Phone: 306 565 5044
Fax: 306 565 5055
email: pcasson@sasktel.net