Since Bill ratted me out. My latest mods include a 4” inlet to the oil cooler and a 5” wide naca scoop for induction air. The oil cooler was mostly for ease of cowling install. My induction air inlet looked like a dryer vent. I am in the process of paint prep and decided to make it more visual pleasing. I copied the naca scoop from a local Glasair owner.
Here are the numbers:
95 degrees OAT (Its summer in Texas)
Full power climb to 2500’ msl
Oil temp peak at 181
Coolant was 180
Full throttle run (about 10 min.) resulted in 175mph indicated and 6800 rpm. A/S and rpm was still slowly inching up.
Oil temp had dropped by about 4 or 5 degrees and was still slowly dropping
Water was steady at 180 degrees.
Jason Hutchison