Mailing List Message #36744
From: Hans Conser <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] How does the air know?????????
Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 13:43:10 -0600
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Cuz there is a throttle body in the way!

On 5/2/07, <> wrote:
This may be a silly question but, (here goes) How does the air know?
how does the air know the length of the intake( runners) tubes versus the lenth of say a plenum?  What if I have a really long plenum that acts like a long tube. how does the air know when it has reached an intake tube or port.

Do you understand what I'm trying to ask? air is air !

Is it all just a preasure game with these intakes?
How many different types of preasure are there?

I get the length part of it. I guess where I'm confused is the difference between a plenum and an intake runner, can a plenum act as an intake runner?


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