----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 12:49
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: Rotary Long-EZs
do not exist
I decided to have some fun with it Ed. I will roll over
that 50 hump in less than a year, but I'm still 19 inside.
I did some work on the turbo 13B on the test stand, to test Butch's prop,
back in January. But I lost motivation to work on it because of the cold
weather, unheated hangar. (I moved to Oregon from Kansas long ago, because I'm
a cold weather wimp). It's finally getting warm enough now that I should get
back on it. Jerry sold his 2.17 drive, so I may have to borrow Dave Leonard's
when the time comes.
Ed wrote:
Boy, is my face red, Perry. My only excuse is your
long EZ just didn't look like a "normal" long EZ. For most of those 8
years, it had this "thing" affixed to the rear {:>).
My apologies for an embarrassing "senior moment" - you
must stop lurking so much in order that my memory cells are get
recharged more frequently.
By the way, saw Butch at Sun & Fun for a few minutes
-he looked a bit stressed and overworked, ridden hard and put away
wet. But, he has supposedly retired from that stressful "business" and
hopefully will get his battery recharged.