Mailing List Message #36730
From: <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: Can anyone tell me if this will work
Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 10:20:50 -0700
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Cc: Joe Hull <>

---- Joe Hull <> wrote:
> Tony,
> I did something like you are proposing on my Cozy. It worked - but
> performance wasn't the best. Primarily for 2 reasons: 1) too short; and, 2)
> sharp edges at the intake opening.
> After 50 hours of flying with the original setup (like yours), I made two
> independent tubes from fiberglass that mated with the intake opening then
> extended them forward about 12" and terminated them in the air filter box
> with a generous bell mouth and rounded edges. The air filter box was
> attached to an armpit scoop.
> Pic Intake5a.jpg was the original intake.
> Pic Intake-New1.jpg is the new intake.
> Performance was much better with this mod.
> Performance also increased dramatically when I modified the exhaust to a
> tuned exhaust instead of the "Tangential-Can" type manifold (too much back
> pressure).
> Hope that helps.
> Joe Hull
> Redmond/Seattle WA, Cozy-Mark-IV -  71hrs
Thanks Joe

Yup the wheel are turning. I'll post more pics and see what you guys think.

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