Rusty, I read both articles and the facts presented were the same but
the prose was completely different. I had no problem with the fact
that Ken Scott of Van's AC wrote the article. As written, it was as
objective as possible with the exception of the false FADEC claims on the
Powersport system. BUT, That artificial rule on the prop RPM during the
cruise fuel burn test was absolutely absurd. To have any real
meaning, the engine should have been run where it operated most efficiently
which in this case was at much lower RPM.
Also not mentioned in the article was the fact (based on Van's
Aircraft own tests) that the 3 blade MT props used on the Powersport
rotaries are significantly less efficient than the 2 blade blended airfoil
Hartzel props used on the Lyc powered planes.
These factors clearly stacked the deck against the rotaries when it came to
fuel economy. They should have at least mentioned the improved
exhaust system that the Powersport engines now run.
Ed wrote:
> 3) The author of the article, Ken
Scott, is a Vans Aircraft
> employee
> and is therefore a
sales agent for Lycoming.
So was the "Sport
Aviation" article the same as the one in the RVator? If so, then I guess
I have read it.