Mailing List Message #2559
From: Finn Lassen <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Fiberfrax?
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2003 08:53:34 -0400
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Yep, have it sandwiched between fuselage bottom and SS shim stock above the "muffler".

I doubt you can do much "wrapping" with it. Tears easily. Maybe if held in place with fiberglass wrap???


Russell Duffy wrote:
Regarding my need for turbo insulation, a quick look through my Spruce catalog came up with this cool stuff, and now that I see it, I believe Tommy told me about this before.  Supposedly, it's good for 2300 degrees continuous, and comes in 1/16" and 1/8" thicknesses.  I'd have to say the 1/8" thickness of this stuff is the leading candidate for turbo wrap.  There's also an aluminized heat shield material that is made my Thermo-tec, but since their exhaust wrap clearly doesn't stand up to 2000 degrees like they claim, I don't think I can believe any other Thermo-tec advertising. 
Any experience with this Fiberfrax stuff?
13 minutes left on the Renesis engine auction.  It's at $5000 now, and I'm guessing it will go at $6200. 

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