Maybe at this present point in time, but who knows
down the track.
BTW one size I omitted for the inner "O" ring was
the .093" which was approx 1 : .77 - good for that size recess, I thought by
just looking at it,it would be too small ( thin), which Bill identified as
being a uneducated response.
I ment to tell you, but forgot.
I am also now thinking that the .093 may be too
large for the outer - however it won't see the same heat, nor expand as much as
the inner.
Their results will be interesting.
George ( down under)
It may be that only you and I are interested in the
correct size of the
coolent O-rings and/or the need for a TES outer
is boxed and ready to ship to "Creavey" Monday !
-- Kelly Troyer Dyke