Mailing List Message #242
From: Jim Sower <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: EWP water pump
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 08:33:27 -0400
To: <flyrotary>
OK.  I understood that there is a pressure drop across the pump, and
incremental drops across various restrictions, but I thought these had a
different label and were treated differently.
I stand corrected .... Jim S.

Tracy Crook wrote:

> > Posted for Jim Sower <>:
> >
> > I thought that in a closed system there was no head pressure.  If the
> system
> > is
> > pressurized, there is system pressure, but still no head pressure.  The
> closed
> > loop
> > cancels everything out.
> > Just wonderin' .... Jim S.
> >
> Nope.  There is still differential pressure in a closed system with
> restrictions in it.  The pump sees the restrictions as head pressure.
> Tracy
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